Onsen Queen

Spa Lady Windy

Travel Like An Angel...

Travel Like An Angel...

I always believe that.... the more we give.... the more we get... don't take things for granted.... always be appreciated and grateful...

Aim to be the angel to myself and also to others...

So I love to travel like an angel...


Spa Lady in Bali as Speaker 2011

Invited by PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) Jakarta Indonesia Chapter, Spa Lady Windy attended Indonesia Herb Festival as speaker together with Indonesian No. 1 SPA personality- Madame Dr. BRA Mooryati Soedibyo on the stage... a great honor... wonderful experience... 


Everything was arranged by my Indonesian friend - Ibu Ningsih CHandra... and we did have great time traveling together in Bali... the land of Gods...

Requested by Mr. Archil Hermanto, GM of New Kuta Condotel Bali, Spa Lady gave an informal talk to the staff at the Condotel where I have been staying for 5 days...so the talk was made on May 28th 10 AM in the conference room with around 20 staff from F&B, financial, front desk....different sectors in the hotel…


Spa Lady in Bali, the Land of Smile, Spirit & Spa 2011

Instead of offering them an "eye-opening" talk, I gave them a "heart-opening" small lecture...teaching them how to look into ourselves and smile from our heart...so that the whole world will smile back to us....when we smile....all our cells also smile to us...our positive attitude and way of thinking will help us with a balanced body, mind and soul....

Shared with them also the Hawaiian “Ho'oponopono Healing Method” and asked all of them to follow me singing...

I'm sorry
Please forgive me
I thank you  and 
I love you

I can see their eyes shining...


Spa Lady's "heart-opening" small lecture in Bali May 2011

And more I taught them about the very precious words of hospitality which I learned from my Japanese Ryokan friends while I practiced myself as waitress and sometimes Okami(Japanese female owner) in the Onsen resorts located in Niigata, Gunma prefecture back to 1999....(Tsukioka Onsen & Senami Onsen in Niigata; Kusatsu Onsen, Ikaho Onsen in Gunma)






If you really want to do, you will surely make it...

If you really want to do, you will find everything is so interesting... 

If you really want to do, always someone there to assist you..

My finale was teaching them 3 minutes Chinese Qigong and simple exercise to help us relieve the stress or muscle pain by ourselves which I developed by myself in the process of learning...))

All of them stood up and followed my instructions...and my easy Qigong teaching ended with tender massage on eyes and head...

After my one hour informal presentation and talk...all the faces of the staff changed from serious look to smiling ones...and each of them walked to me one by one and said...

"Ibu Windy, thank you for inspiring us..."
"Ibu Windy, we love your great spirit..."

"Ibu Windy...thank you for teaching to love us more so that we will be able to love others..."

“Terima kasih...Suksumo(thanks in Balinese)”...

I gave everyone of them a big hug...and my sincere blessings...


Spa Lady Love YOU!!

The next morning at the breakfast table, the waitress Aryi, who was there with me yesterday, gave me a bright big smile and told me that all her colleagues love the way I talked to them… “Ibu Windy, we like you so much, you really inspired all of us…”

Aryi said that they all decided to practice and follow what I have taught them...

How wonderful...how nice....their words of compliment made me so very happy...

Om shanti shanti shanti Om  ~♫~♫~♫

Spa Lady Windy wrote in Bali May 2011

The Land of Smile, Spirit & SPA