Onsen Queen

Spa Lady Windy

Entries from 2019-12-01 to 1 month

Life is a Song ♪ Sing it~♫~♬

Life is a SONG! SING it! LIFE 人生 Words of Wisdom by Mother Teresa Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.Life is beauty, admire it.Life is a dream, realize it.Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.Life is a game, play…

Travel Like An Angel...

Travel Like An Angel...我立志要做自己及別人生命中的天使... I always believe that.... the more we give.... the more we get... don't take things for granted.... always be appreciated and grateful... Aim to be the angel to myself and also to …

Spa Lady Onsen Gypsy

温泉ジプシー いままでに二十回以上引っ越しをした私は、小学校は6校、中学は2校通い、大学卒業後は、年に何十回も海外を往復する生活で、まるで現在のジプシー女性のようだと自分でも感じています。 最近は国内外の温泉を旅して回っているので、「温泉ジ…